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Festing á hjálm fyrir I-VIEW höfuðljós

Festing á hjálm fyrir I-VIEW höfuðljós

At most construction sites it is mandatory to wear safety helmet during work. To be able to take advantage of the superior I-VIEW headlamp wearing a helmet we have designed a bracket to mount the I-VIEW directly onto the front of the helmet.

Together with the bracket you get 3 pcs of adhesive mounting bases. The base is provided with very strong adhesive glue under the tear off tape and is fixed onto the hard hat. The I-VIEW headlamp is clicked directly onto the bracket without any further fixing devices and can easily be dismounted from the bracket if needed for other purposes.

The bracket is flexible which makes it possible to adjust the lighting angle 150° to fit optimum lighting angle.

The bracket fits I-VIEW headlamp, item no. 03.5626 as well as NIGHT VIEW headlamp with both white and red light, item no. 03.5438, and I-MATCH 3 headlamp with 5 colour temperatures, item no. 03.5656.
Vörunúmer: 035797
3.695 kr.
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Hleðslutæki fyrir ljós

Gefur út: 1A 5V
Vörunúmer: 035305
2.554 kr.

Höfuðljós FLEX WEAR fjölnota

FLEX WEAR vasaljós með höfuðbandi og festingu til að nota sem ennisljós

Vörunúmer: 035811
9.052 kr.
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Höfuðljós I-VIEW Hleðslu

Snertilaus skynjari
40 - 400 lumen
Þyngd 100 gr

Vörunúmer: 036212
14.384 kr.
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Höfuðljós LED

160 lum led ljós
Notar þrjár AAA rafhlöður
(fylgja ekki)
Vörunúmer: KW32061
6.188 kr.
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Höfuðljós LED endurhlaðanlegt

Með hreyfiskynjara,
Hægt að velta (snúa),
kemur með segli
2 - 4h Operating time
Vörunúmer: KW702003000
13.392 kr.
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Höfuðljós LITE A

LED ljós með hreyfiskynjara til að kveikja og slökkva á ljósinu.
Vörunúmer: 035670
7.006 kr.
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Höfuðljós Night View

Styrkur: 80/160 Lm
Þyngd: 130 gr.
Vinnutími: 5/2.5 klst (Stig 1/2)
Vörunúmer: 035438
15.314 kr.
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Höfuðljós ZONE 2

Nett höfuðljós með hleðslurafhlöðu sem endist í 22 tíma
Ljósmagn: 200 lumen

Þyngd: 75 gr
Varnarflokkur: IP54

Vörunúmer: 035850
7.378 kr.
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USB hleðslusnúra fyrir ljós

Lengd: 1 m
Vörunúmer: 035307
656 kr.
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